Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've had to change my "hit counter" like 7 times...
because the websites that offer them, keep screwing up!! Hopefully, this website, ( will actually have a site that keeps RUNNING ALL THE TIME... What's the point of having a counter if I can't SEE it??? And, while I adore the argyle on the sides of my blog, I'm not a big fan of the paisley in the background. I wish I knew how to write code. I would just fix all this nonsense myself! *sigh* So anyway. How are you doin?


Coopercomics said...

I use site meter for my numbers...not like I am all crazy and need to know, but I guess I am..and I do need to know.

Anyway..they send you emails with cute maps and cool nonsence like that. Yours is cool...should have started this out with that.

Lady Gaga FOREVER!

Kr said...

also... I just opened your blog a lot to help you with the counter... woot woot!

Unknown said...

hahaha that's awesome. YEAH, EVERYONE REFRESH!!

♥Concerned♥ said...

That site has some great instructions for creating your own backgrounds, fyi

Unknown said...

sweet sauce!!! THANKS!