This week's assignment for photography class is "Wisdom." My reflection pictures, proud of them as I was, were SO TYPICAL. Almost everyone else in the class had stuff reflecting off water. So this week, I want to step outside the box and bring an interesting photo to class. I hope to have something the rest of the students hadn't considered taking a picture of. So I'm NOT GOING TO TAKE A PICTURE OF MY GRANDPA'S FACE! Something tells me the entire class is going to bring in pictures of old people.
So here's one I just snapped real quickly while I was at the college library. It's not a final picture, just a jumping off photo. I thought, books? Wisdom? Yes? No? Feedback, and also suggestions on other pictures that could portray "wisdom" without just going cliche with the old people, would be SO GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks, y'all!
MJ, Just for fun I typed "Wisdom" in my search bar to get different definitions of the word. You might try doing that and it may give you a whole different idea of what to photograph to portray it. Just a thought.
Ooh, good idea! Thanks aunt Ina!!
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